home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, August 2, 2013 - Page 39 of 46 - << previous page : next page >>
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Stopped by the Court des Anges in New Orleans Square.  Soon the Pirates will move back in and if rumors are to be believed eventually this will be the entrance to Club 33.
Stopped by the Court des Anges in New Orleans Square. Soon the Pirates will move back in and if rumors are to be believed eventually this will be the entrance to Club 33. Click to switch to large image view
It is one of the few places you can go in Disneyland to escape the crowds usually.  It is too bad it may disappear/be repurposed.
It is one of the few places you can go in Disneyland to escape the crowds usually. It is too bad it may disappear/be repurposed. Click to switch to large image view